Minggu, 11 Desember 2016

My Favorite Movie

Assalammualaikum wr. wb.
again I told him on my blog, and at this time I'll tell you about my favorite movie

Have you ever heard of the movie" Negeri Van Oranje "? This movie tells the story of friendship. Let me tell you a little about this movie. Negeri Van Oranje tells five friends tenteng journey consisting of four men and one woman who studied in the Netherlands. The trip took Latitude (Tatjana Saphira) to today, one day before her wedding. The day on which all the memories of her companions back: Banjar (Arifin Putra), Wicak (Abimana Aryasatya), Dice (Ge Pamungkas), and Geri (Chicco Jerikho). Together they have passed through graduate school education in the Netherlands. Although the college in different cities: Leiden Utrecht, Rotterdam, Wageningen and Den Haag, friendship unites them and makes them able to survive in a distant land it. Their time together then bring latitude in love. Love then clap hands for reasons that none of them ever guessed. Togetherness was also brought them to Prague and in Prague then the biggest problem that had been buried among them come to the surface that is the problem neighbor love. Today Latitude married to one of them. The reason I liked this film because initially the film is difficult to be guessed.
How about you guys? Is it interesting for you to watch?

Thank you for your attention and good luck to watch this movie "Negeri Van Oranje"

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